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Social & Emotional Skills Programs

It is no secret that social-emotional skills are key for success of all people, for social-emotional competencies are the building blocks to all social skill development. Perhaps nothing is more important for personal and workplace success that how to understand and use social and emotional learning or SEL.  

The Success Profiler (Emotional Intelligence)
The Success Profiler® is a systematic, research-based assessment and skill intervention system designed to improve social and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a learned ability to identify, explain, understand and express human emotions in healthy and productive ways. Our forty years of research show that emotional intelligence skills are the primary factors for reducing problematic behaviors, increasing motivation, and the gateway to success in school, work, and life.
Personal Responsibility (Goal Achievement)
Nothing is more important to success than the ability to set, manage, and achieve personal goals. This skill enhancement system focuses on core skills related to personal responsibility and managing goal achievement. Personal Responsibility puts the emphasis where it belongs, on the individual. It puts the focus on the ability to set clear, attainable goals and then to manage oneself to the successful completion of these goals.
Workplace Readiness (Soft Skills)
Soft skills refers to a group of personal qualities that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people, personal qualities such as a positive attitude, the ability to communicate, to think critically, to organize and plan, to work with a team, and more.