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Safety Skills Programs
Learning to be safe is a key skill for all of us to learn. Imagine what it would be like if you did not know the meaning of common warning signs such as Danger, Keep Off, Watch Your Step or Stop. The results could be disastrous. Learn the warning signs of trouble before it is too late.
Here are the courses that are available in the Safety Skills category.
Emergency Signs and Words
Medical emergencies are stressful for everyone involved. An understanding of basic emergency signs and words can help individuals remain calm and avoid further harm or injury. This program familiarizes users with 80 signs and words in categories such as: REASONS FOR MEDICAL CARE: allergic reaction, broken bone; FIRST AID: bandage, gauze; HELP: ambulance, police; MEDICAL CLINIC: doctor, nurse, prescription; OPERATING ROOM: operating table, surgeon; and PATIENT’S ROOM: call button, hospital bed.
Safety Signs and Words
The Safety Signs and Words program is a life-saver! This program familiarizes students with 80 common safety signs and words including crosswalk, danger, do not touch, fasten your seat belts, keep off, keep out, watch your step, and more. Knowing what these signs mean could prevent a dangerous or even life-threatening situation.