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Math Skills Programs

Imagine trying to buy something without knowing the value of the currency or how to add prices. Understanding the value of money and how it is used is essential in order to spend and receive money. This series is designed to teach users how to handle money, from the simple task of identifying different coins and bills, to the complexities of developing a budget. This program transitions users gradually through the process from money recognition to using money, including core concepts.

Here are the courses that are available in the Math Skills category.

Money Words
The ability to handle money responsibly is critical for living a life of independence. This requires individuals to be familiar with the vocabulary associated with money. This program introduces users to 80 vocabulary words related to handling money, such as borrow, cash, change, loan, prepay, and many others.
Coins and Dollars
With the wide variety of coins and bills, using money can be confusing. This program introduces users to money. From a penny up to a twenty dollar bill, coins and bills are identified by picture, name and value. The program also addresses money terms such as cash, cost, pay, refund, and total.
Money Equivalence
This program simplifies our complex monetary system by familiarizing users with common combinations of coins and bills that are equivalent in value. Starting with five pennies equal one nickel, the program works up to equivalents for a twenty dollar bill.